July 13th, 2008
Verse: “In the year that king Uzziah dies, I saw also the Lord.” – Isaiah 6:1
Quote: “It must be God first, God second, and God third, until the life is faced steadily with God and no one else is of any account whatever.”
Friends are an amazing blessing and can continually point you towards God, but sometimes God will remove people from your life to help you see Him more clearly. No matter how godly a person is, or healthy your relationship is with them, God Himself must remain top priority in your life.
Tags: Bible, daily devotion, friendship, God, Isaiah 6:1, My Utmost for His Highest, Oswald Chambers, priority, vision
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July 12th, 2008
Verse: “The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations, and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgement to be punished.” – 2 peter 2:9
Quote: “But the godly are delivered out of their trials, and that not by chance, nor by secondary agencies, but by the Lord himself. He personally undertakes the office of delivering those who trust him.”
You are going to face trials in your life and rightly so. When you persevere, you emerge from them closer to God and with a better understanding of the life He has for you. God insists on trials, be He also insists on being with you every step of the way. “He personally undertakes the office of delivering those who trust him.” That was worth repeating.
Tags: 2 Peter 2:9, Bible, C.H. Spurgeon, Cheque Book of the Bank of Faith, daily devotion, delivery, God, temptation
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July 11th, 2008
Verse: “That I may know Him.” – Philippians 3:10
Quote: “The Holy Spirit is determined that we shall realize Jesus Christ in every domain of life, and He will bring us back to the same point again and again until we do.”
In my experience, God tends to work in my life on one particular area at a time until I see Christ in my actions. There is no part of my existence that is not under the scrutiny of the Holy Spirit, and that is because there is no part that is not of use to God. It is when we realize Christ in the most menial tasks that we truly begin to attain the attitude of the spiritual saint.
Tags: Bible, daily devotion, God, Holy Spirit, My Utmost for His Highest, Oswald Chambers, Philippians 3:10, realize, spiritual saint
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July 10th, 2008
Verse: “Let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works: not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together.” – Hebrews 10:24-25
Quote: “To live a remote, retired, secluded life is the antipodes of spirituality as Jesus Christ taught it.”
Dictionary.com defines antipodes as “places diametrically opposite each other on the globe.” That is, two things which are polar opposites. It is one thing to live in the perfect peace of God, it is altogether different to keep to yourself and maintain your level of comfort. Christ never taught us to live quiet, non-controversial lives. If we model ourselves after Him, we would be constantly stirring up contention. Fellowship with other believers. Act out what God puts in. Go and live the life Christ laid out for us.
Tags: Bible, daily devotion, God, Hebrews 10:24-25, lazy, My Utmost for His Highest, Oswald Chambers, sluggard
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July 9th, 2008
Verse: “Mine eyes shall be upon the faithful of the land, that they may dwell with me: he that walketh in a perfect way, he shall serve me.” – Psalm 101:6
Quote: “Let no true-hearted man think that he is over-looked; the king himself has his eye upon him.”
I decided today to implement a different devotional. I have been reading C.H. Spurgeons “Cheque Book of the Bank of Faith” on and off all year, and have found good encouragement in his writings, I just haven’t been consistent. This morning’s had several good quotes, but this one stuck out to me. Sometimes even the faithful need to be reminded that when no one else is keeping track, God Himself is.
Tags: Bible, C.H. Spurgeon, Cheque Book of the Bank of Faith, daily devotion, faith, faithful, God, Psalm 101:6
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July 8th, 2008
Verse: “Choose this day whom ye will serve.” – Joshua 24:15
Quote: “You have no business to find out where God is leading, the only thing God will explain to you is Himself.”
If you choose to serve God, you have to be willing to follow where He leads with no explanation. If you always knew exactly where He was taking you it would be easy to follow, but He wants you to trust Him knowing that He has your best interest in mind. Keep your sight on God, not a destination, and allow Him to reveal Himself to you in whatever situation you are in.
Tags: Bible, daily devotion, God, Joshua 24:15, loyalty, My Utmost for His Highest, Oswald Chambers, trust
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July 7th, 2008
Verse: “Enter ye in at the strait gate…because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way…” – Matthew 7:13-14
Quote: “If we are going to live as disciples of Jesus, we have to remember that all noble things are difficult…It is always necessary to make an effort to be noble.”
Those are the first and last sentences of today’s devotion. In effect, Chambers is saying “It’s not going to be easy, but you still have to try.” We often know what is the right thing to do, we just have difficulty rousing up to do it, but the emphasis here is pivotal–make an effort; you have to work at it.
Tags: Bible, daily devotion, disciple, God, Matthew 7:13-14, My Utmost for His Highest, noble, Oswald Chambers
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July 6th, 2008
Verse: “And the parched ground shall become a pool.” – Isaiah 35:7
Quote: “If you have ever had the vision of God, you may try as you like to be satisfied on a lower level, but God will never let you.”
The parched ground is who we are as fallen creatures, the pool is our potential–who God wants us to be. Not only does God have a vision for us, He also has the means to help us accomplish that vision and fulfill our role in His kingdom. We have to take that vision and make it a reality by choosing to obey God’s leading. Vision without actuality is a breeding ground for Satan’s attack. Live out what God puts in. Accomplish the visions He’s given you.
Tags: Bible, full life, God, Isaiah 35:7, My Utmost for His Highest, Oswald Chambers, potential, vision
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July 5th, 2008
Verse: “Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in Him; and He shall bring it to pass.” – Psalm 37:5
Quote: “The one thing that keeps us from the possibility of worrying is bringing God in as the greatest factor in all our calculations.”
Chambers frequently stays on a specific topic for multiple days in a row, and it almost always coincides with where God is working in my life at the time. I am now learning that worrying can be a past tense verb too, in the form of regret. If we commit an area of our life over to God, we should trust that He has taken all variables into account, past, present, and future. We are here to do God’s work, so trust that as long as He leaves you here, He has work for you and provisions for that work.
Tags: Bible, daily devotion, fret, God, My Utmost for His Highest, Oswald Chambers, Psalms 37:5, trust, worry
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July 4th, 2008
Verse: “Fret not thyself, it tendeth only to evil doing.” – Psalm 37:8 (RV)
Quote: “Resting in the Lord does not depend on external circumstances at all, but on your relationship to God Himself.”
Worrying is one of those sins that a lot of Christians take for granted; some even think of worrying as a sign of maturity or wisdom. However it is much more wicked than that, as it shuns the perfect peace that God freely offers us. When we worry, we are effectively telling God there is nothing He can do about our situation–we are in control, and the outcome depends entirely on our own natural ability. Constantly give your life, your environment, your thoughts over to God, and watch as He leads you to a place of rest time and time again.
Tags: Bible, devotion, fret, God, My Utmost for His Highest, Oswald Chambers, perfect peace, wisdom, worry
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