Verse: “Out of the heart proceed…“
– Matthew 15:19
Quote: “We resent what Jesus Christ reveals.”
We do not want to hear what Jesus Christ has to say when He tells us what is really in our hearts. “I could never…” Sure you could; you are capable of every possible evil when you reject Christ’s teachings and allow the enemy a foothold in your life. 1 John 3:15 says that whoever hates his brother is a murderer, James 2:10-11 says that if you break only one law you break every law because the same God decreed the entire law.
What does this mean for us? It means you must never take sin lightly, especially when Christ reveals an evil inside your heart. Don’t ever think a sin is too extreme for you to actually commit. If the Holy Spirit takes the time to confront you, take heed and listen. Our lives as Christians are under constant attack from the enemy, and quite frequently we fall in the most unsuspecting ways. Take time to ask God what areas of your life still have flesh dwelling in them, and expedite it’s removal.
Tags: Bible, daily devotion, enemy, flesh, God, heart, Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ, Matthew 15:19, My Utmost for His Highest, Oswald Chambers, sin, The Account with Purity