Posts Tagged ‘truth’

Familiar Fellowship with God

Thursday, July 17th, 2008

Verse: “The people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits.” – Daniel 11:32

Quote: “Oh, that we may know our God by familiar fellowship with him; for then we shall be prepared to stand up for truth and righteousness.  He who comes forth fresh from beholding the face of God will never fear the face of man.”

It is the constant communication with God that us gives us resolve to resist His enemies.  When you are out of fellowship with God, it is easy to forget that He has the power to overcome all obstacles, and you stumble in fear out of separation from Him.  The second half of the above quote is so powerful; who can be against you with the awesomeness of God fresh in your spirit?

I’m headed out to an early game of golf, but I hope to expound on this, and maybe a little “more awake” editing when I get back.